No 'slide' images have been detected!
How To Add Images To Your Slider
  1. View your project in edit mode by clicking the edit button.
  2. Import or drag and drop an image into your editor.
  3. Double click the image and in the popup menu change the filename to something that starts with 'slide'.
  4. Add as many images as you want and make sure to also change the filenames to something that starts with 'slide' (e.g. slide-2.jpg, slide-3.jpg).

Be Catholic

Prayer Reminds Us We Are Not Alone

Few months ago, I was going through a hard time. I was worried about many things. I feared that I might fail in my career. I feared that I wasn't a good lawyer.Therefore, I need to trust God and I need to remind myself he will watch over me. I had to realize that even if I fall, I can count on God picking me up. Like Peter who was walking on water until the wind grew louder causing his faith to be shaken and ultimately causing him to sink, I too need to respond like Peter did and ask Jesus to grab my hand pull me out of the water.

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